When logging in, you will see your Mango Voice Dashboard. You will select the “Switchboard” on the lefthand taskbar.

Typically, you will only see one Switch Board option. Click to select this Switch Board.

This is how the Switch Board should be programmed typically. As it is, Mango is programmed to account for weekends, holidays, and call roll over during and after hours. You can think of this as a call pipeline; depending on the day/time/situation, it will guide the call to the appropriate location.

This is how the Switch Board should be programmed during days that we are closed for a training. You will take the top orange line that leads from Schedule to Transfer and Continue, drag it, and drop it into Leave on Voicemail. This is programmed specifically with the voicemail indicating we are in a team training. You will need to Save the change.

After the training, please reverse the flow back to Transfer and Continue and resave.